Corrective Exercises

What Is Corrective Exercise For?

Corrective exercises

Simply put, corrective exercise is a medical technique that uses anatomy, kinesiology and biomechanics to help patients recover faster.

Poor function or movement patterns are treated with corrective exercises as well.

A great chiropractor uses corrective exercises to evaluate the root cause of imbalances and poor movement that wreaks havoc on your posture, balance and coordination.

Once the root causes have been identified, your doctor can then prescribe a regimen that will address the causes of your pain & discomfort quickly.

When you go directly to the source of dysfunction and remove it, it helps reduce stress on your body.

Corrective Exercise techniques help patients move better, feel better and function better to live life to the fullest.

Having a well-functioning body is the foundation to a full, active lifestyle where you can do anything you’d like to.

Why Is Corrective Exercise Important?

No matter what you do, you have to move on a daily basis, period.  You could be working at an office, or running track and field, but either way, you move.

Corrective exercise is vital to identifying issues with balance and posture and correcting those issues so that you can move freely, without pain.  Afterall, no one truly wants to be limited by a tight, painful body.

One of the most important parts of corrective exercise is an accurate evaluation by your doctor.

Doctors can use NASM’s Corrective Exercise Continuum to accurately and efficiently diagnose a patient. Then develop highly individualized exercise plans to improve overall movement, flexibility, range of motion and function.

Studies also point towards showing that corrective exercise can improve your nervous system, which can really help to prevent future injuries.

How Do Corrective Exercises Speed Up Recovery Time?

Corrective exercises are great at helping those who’ve been in auto accidents, workplace injuries, sports injuries or just injured while out having fun.

No matter how it happened to you, your injury will likely benefit from corrective exercise and help get you back out there faster than ever before.

How might you ask?

Simple: cardiovascular activity paired with chiropractic care encourages healing from within your body.

Also, nutrients and oxygen are going to rush to the injury, reducing pain and providing the building blocks your cells require to heal.

This means you recover faster than if you hadn’t gone through with corrective exercises at all!

What Are The Most Common Corrective Exercises?

When you come into our office, or any other specialist for that matter, what should you expect?

Here are a few examples of corrective exercise:

  1. Lunges
  2. Back Steps
  3. Hip Flexor Stretches
  4. Calf Stretches
  5. Tennis Ball Rolls On The Upper Back
  6. Baseball Rolls On The Glutes (Butt)
  7. Foam Rolls On The Legs
  8. Golf Ball Rolls On The Feet
  9. And Much, Much More….